MTA slapped the new metal shields on top of a row of roundabout at the Manhattan Metro Station in its last effort to reduce the fare-leaving-but at least one passenger at least on Wednesday night jumped directly on the barrier easily.
The most weak defense of the Capital Transport Authority against the clowns of the $ 2.90 fare was first offered at Brooklyn Bridge City/Chambers this week, just one month after the transit agency was modified in a different station for the same purpose.
Similar to the reaction from Straphangers last month, the passengers on Wednesday at the lower Manhattan station were not admired by the latest MTA scale that aims to combat Subway Scofflaws.
One of the travelers said: “If I can jump 36 inches from the ground, I think it is likely to jump 38 inches from the ground.”
“I don't feel that it is a lot of difference,” added Violeta S., who did not want to give her the full family name. “It is just a little strange.”
The crescent metal plates are almost four inches at the highest point of the top of the roundabout and are installed in one of the corresponding entrances of the Brooklyn Bridge.
“I understand why they did this in this way because it is likely to be inexpensive for them,” Violetta admitted before reference, “It is just adding a small piece instead of changing the entire design.”
A slight rotational disk appears to not make a trick.
The publication witnessed a young man who easily removes the additional obstacle as he raced to arrest his train while a young woman crawled under the bar to reach the subway platform on Wednesday night.
A security guard at the station was also skeptical after he saw the taxpayer early in the day.
The guard said: “I saw one person jumping over him and falling almost.” “It was actually funny to watch it.”
The President of New York City, Tranzett, Dimitrius Crakelo, told the city, which first reported the development, it is a “ongoing battle” to carry the beneficiaries to pay for the use of the metro.
“They will pay her for anything else, but they don't want to pay her for the fare,” he said.
It is not clear how much the additional barriers installation cost and if placed in other stations throughout the city.

MTA did not answer a comment on Wednesday night.
Another passenger, 48 years old, told the “Post” newspaper for the feature of “Mallower of money.”
Irene, 37, agreed to say, “No one will stop.”
She said, “You can only put your hands on the sides, pick up yourself and jump over it.” “Maybe if they put some nails over them.”
MTA installed nails along the roundabout last month on 59 Street/Lexington Street, but the cyclists are still able to circumvent the serrated edges.
MTA has also experienced $ 700,000 subway gates to stop the beating, but the simple penetration of Tiktok showed how easy it passes the Pallis without hitting.
MTA lost about 500 million dollars annually to evade the fare, but officials indicated the progress in his battle when the state governor, Cathy Hitchul, said last month that the metro victory had decreased by 26 % from June to December last year.
About 9 % of the bus fare fell during the same time period.
“Our strategy was to spread the seriousness of the problem, put stronger material barriers, and make sure that there is a lot of application,” said Janeo Lieber, President and CEO of MTA in a statement at the time.