Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein sues brother and alleges he was duped into guaranteeing A loan

Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein sues brother and alleges he was duped into guaranteeing $45A loan


Mujul Harvey Winstein claims in his prison and imprisonment, in a new lawsuit that his brother, Bob Winstein, and other executives of the films company that she did not launch now have deceived him to ensure a $ 45 million loan in 2016, but they transferred money for their personal use during their status The stage of its fall.

Harvey Winstein, 72, submitted the claims on Thursday in a long -term civil case in New York City, which included a lender accused of disruption on the loan.

He is currently being held while waiting for a retrial for sex crimes in New York.

Harvey Winstein filed a lawsuit against his brother and other executives claiming to deceive him to ensure a $ 45 million loan in 2016. AP

“Harvey Winstein deceived him by the closest to him, and got a $ 45 million loan under the pretext of saving Winstein,” Harvey Ansari's lawyer, Harvey Winstein, said in a statement. “While Harvey personally guaranteed the loan, others inside Winstein dedicated themselves and undermined him strategically, leaving him” carrying the “debt bag while” their pockets “are when the company was in a crisis.”

Ansari claimed that Bob Winstein and others at Winstein was in a conspiracy to the situation of Harvey Winstein in order to fall in an attempt to control the company, which went bankrupt in 2018 with the explosion of the sexual misconduct of Harvey Winstein.

“Harvey's allegations do not repeat merit”, in an e -mail to Associated Press.

David Glaser, CEO of the former Weinstein Company, is now called CEO of 101 Studios, known as the production of the famous Paramount series “Yellowstone”, also in the Harvey Weinstein suit.

He did not immediately repeat a phone message that left his office on Friday.

AI International Holdings loaned the money to Weinstein and Harvey Weinstein, and later prosecuted when they said they failed to pay.

He participated in the founders of Miramax Harvey Winstein and Bob and Winstein with co -manager “Cine City” Robert Rodriguez, Los Angeles on March 28, 2005. AP

Harvey Winstein claims that his brother, Glaser and others have cleared him to ensure a $ 45 million loan by saying that money will help the financially troubled company.

Instead, a lawsuit says, they have transferred millions of dollars from the company for inappropriate purposes, making it short on cash, Harvey Winstein responsible for paying the loan.

“As a direct result of these measures, companies were drained, at least $ 12 million in cash that should have been allocated to pay the loan due to AI International,” says the lawsuit. “The mismanagement of these companies left these companies unable to meet their financial obligations, which led to the insolvency and the status of Winztein in major financial risks as a guarantor of the loan.”

Harvey Winstein was seen leaving Manhattan Hospital after undergoing heart surgery. Pre -media for NY post

The lawsuit, which was filed in the state's Supreme Court in Manhattan, says that Winztein was forced to “financial damage, severe reputation and joy.”

It also provides several allegations of financial misconduct against Bob Winstein, Glaser and others.

He accuses Bob Winstein of withdrawing at least $ 6 million from the company's accounts under wrong allegations, to give priority to creditors, including international intelligence.

“It was surprising that the fraudulent transactions that lasted after leaving the company said. Harvey Winstein said in a statement presented by a spokesman spokesman:” I now think that a number of these executives played a major role in my death. “

The lawsuit claims that Glasser was approved and received 5 million dollars of excessive rewards and unauthorized financial transactions, and he used the company's money to pay his father one million dollars despite the absence of a legitimate commercial reason.

Mogul Movion and his former wife, Georgina Chapman, at the Academy Awards on February 26, 2017. Gety pictures
The film producer is currently being held while waiting for a retrial for sex crimes in New York. Gety pictures

AI International Holdings filed a lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein and the subsidiaries of Weinstein in late 2017.

The lawsuit said that she had left the loan after she ordered the AI ​​International to immediately pay the payment of payment because Harvey Winstein had been rejected as a co -chairman amid allegations of sexual misconduct.

According to Harvey Winstein, Bob Winstein and Zuller settled their responsibility for the loan with AI International at about $ 15 million due to “bad faith negotiations”, leaving Harvey Weinstein responsible for the remaining interest of $ 30 million.

Harvey Winstein's claim seeks to protect him from any financial responsibility for the loan, as well as punitive damage to alleged fraud, mismanagement of financial behavior and legal fees.

Bob Winstein recently asked the judge to reject the call notes for the documents and deposited by Harvey's lawyer Winstein.

Harvey Winstein, who also co -founded the Miramax Film Company, was one of the most powerful people in Hollywood, where they produced films such as “Pulp Fitch” and “The Crying Game”.

In 2017, he became the most prominent #Metoo movement, which broke out when women began to announce his behavior.

It has long been confirmed that any sexual activity was mutual.

Harvey Winstein is rejuvenated with the charges he sexually provided by mouth on film and television production assistant in 2006 and raped an ambitious actor in 2013.

Another charge was filed in September claiming that he forced oral sex to a different woman at the Manhattan Hotel in 2006.

His conviction for 2020 and the prison sentence for 23 years were canceled last year, as the Court of Appeal found that the trial judge had unlike a certificate against Winztein based on allegations that it was not part of the case.


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