Many members of the GATLAND GRAnd SAM team have become winning the championship, and he says he was disappointed by criticism from some former players.
“You give this interface not to show everything or a lot of feelings,” he said.
“I felt a great deal of negativity in the Welsh printing press, and this has been weighing from me. I kept thinking,” Where is someone in my corner or someone who fights a little for me? “.
“It was difficult. They (former players) are trying to find their feet in the game and sometimes it should be seen. Or they did not play for [British and Irish] Black, or did not succeed. “
Gatand said that the current players were also affected by criticism, but he believed that his exit from Wales would create a “breathing space” to allow the team and train the opportunity to rebuild.
Gateland added that he was surprised by a former assistant Rob Holi that the temporary coach had not kept, while the warning of his permanent successor would need a “thick skin”.
He added: “There are many people who want you to succeed, but there are also many people who want you to fail too. I have faced it.”