Friedrich Mirz goes on the right path to become the next German adviser after the Christian Democrats Party in the center (CDU) obtained nearly 30 % of voting in the German Landmark elections on Sunday, according to two early polls.
Despite the leadership of CDU, the country's political future appears out of certainly due to an increase in support for the right-wing extremist alternative to immigrants (AFD), which is scheduled to come in second place with 19.5-20 % of the vote.
Social Democrats on the left on the left (SDP) got 16 % of the sounds, as much as it is worse as the worse for it ever; Followed by the Greens by 13.3 %, then the left party by 8.6 %, the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) by 4.9 %, the Left Popular Party by 4.7 % and others with 3.9 %.
The elections were summoned after the collapse of the coalition government led by Chancellor Olaf Schools, a SDP leader.
Mirz will need to form an alliance with at least one other party in order to secure the majority in the German parliament.
He said that his favorite partner is SDP, but it remains to see whether the party will get enough vote for such an alliance to ensure the majority.
Meanwhile, AFD announced that her performance could not be ignored.
Speaking shortly after the launch of the first opinion polls at approximately 6 pm local time, the co -chair of AFD Tino Chrupalla said that the party's performance gave it a “mandate to make a political change.”
He said: “We have received the confidence of the voters and should be something everyone also accepts.”
However, Mirz pledged that he would not form an alliance with AFD.
AFD leader Alice Widel Mirz warned on Sunday evening that he ignored the results of the election of her party in danger.
“If CDU betrays his statement and cooperates with the left, you can assure you that the next elections will be faster than expected and we will overcome CDU as the largest party,” the supporters said.
With his victory in exit polls, Mirz told supporters that his priority was the formation of an alliance as soon as possible.
“The outside world will not wait for us,” he said. “We will now talk to each other and as soon as possible, we need to gather a viable government in Germany, a government capable of working on the basis of the majority.”