Man forced to pay taxes on money he never received – and he didn’t find out until k tax bill from IRS

Man forced to pay taxes on money he never received – and he didn’t find out until $60k tax bill from IRS


The fraudsters stole more than $ 280,000 from a man's retirement account and may not return it.

Now the Tax Authority is required to cough an additional $ 60,000 for the tax season.


The Tax Authority opened the tax deposit season on January 27, 2025
A copy of a financial statement displaying the account values ​​of 209,764.18 dollars and 2,712.64 dollars.


One of Atlanta residents said he was forced to pay taxes on money he no longer has

The fraudsters pretended to be a federal agent to obtain hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement and investment funds, as mentioned by the local news port in Atlanta, WSBTV.

The man told WSBTV: “It was as if my heart was drowned and felt that I was in a deep hole.”

Since Atlanta resident deals with this loss, the Tax Authority is asked to pay more money.

“I look at $ 60,000 at the top of $ 280,000 already,” he said.

“I also look at the possibility of jumping part of Medicare Part B because of this imaginary income,” he added.

Although the money it stolen, the Tax Authority is seen as a good income and taxes accordingly.

Those who were victims of such fraud were protected by the ruling of the Tax Authority that President Donald Trump later removed.

Without any evidence that the funds were stolen and there is no way to remove the action as a speed, it will demand the Tax Authority for tax debt.

“It seems that I did it on paper, but I never received it. This is the bad part. I don't know how I can prove it,” said A Atlanta man.

He was not the only person facing this unfortunate scenario.

The Tax Authority warns of taxpayers of the frequent delay that is reduced if you specify a specific option when serving – see if you are affected

Many low -income Americans have fallen victim to similar fraud and were forced to pay tax debts anyway.

In 2014, a report issued by the Senate Aging Committee stated that people in this position do not have many options.

The report stated: “The victims of fraud and fraud can no longer deduct these losses and are often obligated to pay taxes on the money stolen.”

However, there is a new legislation that is formulated that can restore the previous ruling that protects those who have been deceived.

It was as if my heart was drowned and felt that I was in a deep hole.

Resident in AtlantaWsB-TV

The Tax Authority opened the tax deposit season 2025 on January 27.

The agency expects to submit more than 140 million individual tax declarations before the Federal deadline, April 15.

The Tax Authority confirmed that it had already issued nearly 8 million recovery, with an average of about $ 2065.

The speed of Americans receiving their recovered amounts depends on a number of factors.

Those who want to speed up the process should submit electronically and avoid losing any important deadlines.

This comes at a time when the agency reduced nearly 6000 jobs.


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