Jake Tapper’s hypocrisy in writing book about Biden decline

Jake Tapper’s hypocrisy in writing book about Biden decline


CNN Jake Taber anchor comes out with a new book on how Democrats and media collusion to hide the retreat of Joe Biden cognitive – which will be great, if not complicit in covering up.

He is his new book, “Orginal Sin: DePly's Prasident Biden, and his catastrophic choice to run again”, to write Axios Alex Tompson correspondent, to “not ignore and write explosives with … Joe Biden's Recover despite evidence of his dangerous evidence.” It is scheduled to be released on May 20.

It is a broadcaster claimed by the CNN anchor, given his disappointed record of hopes for rejecting concerns about the mentality of the mentality and even conservatives who dared to say the truth.

Jake Taber pushed Lara Trump when she contacted at a mental atmosphere at 2020. CNN

In an interview with Lara Trump in 2020, for example, Jake Taber accused her of mocking his stuttering when she indicated his clear cognitive slowdown.

“I think you have no place at all to diagnose a person's cognitive decrease,” I picked it up.

Throughout the interview, it is constantly talking about it. And while she tried calmly and reasonably noting that, in fact, it seems as if Biden was slowing down, he told her: “You have no place!”

In early June 2024, TAPPER reported an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “Behind closed doors, Biden shows signs of slipping”, quoting. [the Journal are] Take orders from. “

Tapper conducted an interview with Democratic Senator Chris Konz from Delaweer about the article and barely retreated when Biden Ghafaz refused as “simple slides”.

“The original sin: President Biden retreated, covered, and his catastrophic choice to run again” in May.
Jake Taber interviewed Senator Chris Konz about an article in the Wall Street Journal on physical fitness in Biden in June 2024. @JAKETAPPER/Instagram

He also did not challenge Coons because he was wandering that, as one of 45 people, they were interviewed in this article, he was not taken directly and accused the journalists.[editing] In a way that is designed to produce a certain result. “

truly? By June 2024, it was not clear after the magazine might have been on something, and that the democracy of the mother of Biden may carry its waters?

The book's press statement describes the catastrophic performance of Biden in the discussion on June 27 as “horrific and annoying.”

Biden's performance during a debate on June 27 was a catastrophic of his campaign. AP
Joe Biden was criticized for creating more and more performance throughout his presidency. AFP via Getty Images

However, it was not, for millions of Americans, actually seized. We all saw videos about Biden wandering around the distance, deceiving himself in front of foreign leaders, saying strange and illogical things in speeches.

Not everything you allow. After 2017, he was telling conversations with alleged “gang leaders” called Bob Corn and telling stories about children who link his hairy legs during speeches. He has long been known that he was crossing the line with women, inhaling the hair of young girls and getting the title “Uncle Joe Joe”.

On the 2020 campaign, a 21 -year -old girl described a “dowry soldier”, whatever that was, and when one of the farmers in Iowa faced him with questions about Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine, it seems to be insulting his weight, “see, fat.”

If you care, all this accumulated evidence that the president was not doing all this great. If you choose to ignore the evidence, it has been easily rejected as a republican propaganda or a conservative distortion campaign.

The ordinary citizen can be exempt for not doing deep drilling. But a journalist like Tapper cannot be. This is his job literally.

Jake Taber defended Joe Biden against concerns about his mental intensity, citing his crying. CNN
Jake Taber is criticizing Biden to stay in the presidential race in the weeks before. Shutterstock

Once the Democratic Party line turns, TAPPER finally summoned the Biden family in the days before leaving the presidential race, accusing them of being in “complete denial.”

He also broadcast a montage of the most coherent moments in early July 2024, which, in fairness, went to where many are still in the main media.

But this was very late. Burning your head is a little shallow in the sand more than anyone else is hardly an achievement-or use on a book about the moment of your role model in the Rich Biden era.

After highlighting the American people about Omar Biden, TAPPER appears to Gaslight about the highlight of us in the first place. no, he It was not part of the problem – it was all of that last Media.

This is a book that completely needs to be written. Someone needs the history of scandalous collusion, which enabled an old man from the coast to the presidential debate without review. Jake Tapper is only the man for this position.


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