Filming “Like A Social Experiment”

Filming “Like A Social Experiment”


Season 3 of White Lotus Praise is already derived from the latest exploration of Mike White for how distinguished people are terribly behaving in a beautiful environment. Now, one of its stars, Amy Lu Wood, has shared that filming the show in a luxurious Thai resort was similar to participating in a “social experience”.

Wood, whose role in Netflix drama Sexual educationHe said Guardian The newspaper, which was broken down at the Four Seasons Hotel for seven months without a good break for her.

“Live in a hotel, we also photograph it? It was like a social experience.

“In a way I will never forget. I will not have an experience like this again. It was very extreme. So the fun bits were incredible, especially. The ocean, the landscape, was majestic. Mike was [White, the director] It is a genius. All concerned are amazing, they are just very extreme conditions. “

I remembered: “One day, I was feeling my hair and Mia [Kovero, the hair and makeup artist] It was, like, “You need to return home. I don't know who talks to anything, that is, Emmy or Chelsea. I was completely extracted. Everyone became somewhat their personality, but I didn't even know who I was.”

Wood plays Chelsea, a sunny girlfriend, a yoga teacher for her older friend Walton Gugs, and the British actress said about her thorny exchanges: “There is something about writing Mike. Everyone always looks at the edge.”

The role of Wood in Sexual education The teenager who was subjected to Amy Emmy Gibbs was her first consecutive role in the Drama School, but she won a Bavo prize for her performance. She said Guardian: “We had no idea about its size.”


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