While in Las Vegas, all the teams concerned used the UFC Performance Institute as a training center.
“UFC is a huge brand in Las Vegas, and this is home to us,” BBC told the UFC First Vice President at UFC Duncan French.
“When these teams were looking for training spaces and how to prepare for Gameweek – whether it was healing, strength, air -conditioning sessions, film and catering – we can do this under one roof, so it was not unaware of many of these teams.”
In addition to three local matches between NRL and Super League, you will face the Lion of Bon England Gilaros in Australia for the first time since the 2017 World Cup.
The match was prepared to help the Ladies Run League, but England hopes to do better than the 38-0 crush that was delivered at the last time they met Australia.
Part of the magic of the UFC facility is the exchange of knowledge via sports, something says freench was particularly useful.
He added: “It is always great to get other sports symbols to be around our athletes so that they can see how others are ready.”
“There is a lot of synergy between the Rugby League and fighting, especially with the demand for the body and there is a large component of psychology that enters into the treatment or wrestling of removal.
“Men and girls were sharing ideas and how they were training. The brand UFC is strong in the rugby game and all the upcoming teams of UFC, so it was a great week for everyone.”