‘Worst proposal ever’, College football officials plan for major rule change and fans fear it could ruin games

‘Worst proposal ever’, College football officials plan for major rule change and fans fear it could ruin games


The NCAA Football Rules Committee proposes a controversial new base aimed at garbage on the players who complain.

According to Adam Retinberg, they think about punishing the difference by shipping a deadline.


The rulers will have the abilityCredit: Getti

If the punished team does not have any deadline, they will impose a game day penalty for players who are considered an injury after playing.

Conservative coach Steve Show is the best way to spend forgery injuries.

He revealed, “We really think this is a good solution to get rid of injuries.”

This, of course, gives total football officials more strength on the game.

Read more in university football

On Saturday it is believed that “this is a catastrophe awaiting its occurrence.”

They believe with inappropriate rulers, and get decisions such as passes, and lost property, and this can add more to their plate.

They write: “The player takes a severe blow late in a nearby game. They go down, and an official-not a doctor-who determine that he flourishes and strikes his team with a penalty of five yards or takes a decisive deadline.

“After that, it turned out that the player was already injured. Now, not only the invitation of the bad referee, but they also actively affected a team for something that was not even against the rules. This is completely ridiculous.”

They feel that the solution will be: “If the player is injured and stopped playing, they should be asked to sit in the rest of the drive.

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“If they try to re -enter before the command ends, an illegal replacement penalty can be applied.

“This eliminates the incentive for fake injuries – at least somewhat – without giving officials another opportunity to change the results of the games through self -calls.”

The discussion will definitely turn if this side is imposed.


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