Jimmy John’s fans vow to boycott chain and head to rival after all sandwiches sell out in minutes despite teasing fans

Jimmy John’s fans vow to boycott chain and head to rival after all sandwiches sell out in minutes despite teasing fans


Some fans of Jimmy John's pledge not to return after it has run out of a very expected offer.

The fast food chain of customers promised the opportunity in the promotional gift earlier this month.


Jimmy John brought roasted sandwiches to the listCredit
Jimmy John Shindic roasted Jimmy John.


Heba was launched on Tuesday to celebrate with customersCredit

It was prepared to celebrate the arrival of its roasted sandwiches to the country's lists on March 3, according to a press statement from Inspire Brands, its mother company.

Customers cannot get any of the current offers on the Jimmy John menu, but three new options have been added.

They include a farm pork chicken, grilled beef, cheddar, and final Italian.

Jimmy John admitted to the release that ” [taken] It is time to “make the roasted sandwich a possibility, and to honor the patience of customers, it will give up one million dollars on March 4.

You will be known as “Toasted Tuesday”, with free roasted sandwiches available only while supplies continue.

Darren Dogan, the brand's chief marketing official in Jimmy John, indicated that the gift was to help ensure customers feeling that the roasted sandwich was “worth waiting.”

“Our guests were patient, so we say thank you for the best way to know how: by giving up a million dollars of these crunchy sandwiches,” Dogan said in the statement.

“They are all you like in Jimmy John, now with an enjoyable development.”

The bases of the gift

Customers can only get one of the three new options as part of the promotion, and they were limited to one for one person.

The free roasted sandwich has also been granted to those who have accounts on Jimmy John or the mobile phone application who used Code ToAStedTueSday.

Texas Rodhaus Hate: How to register a meal worth $ 7.49

Jimmy John has warned consumers of the possibility of the roasted sandwich gift.

“The hungry fans should behave quickly, once from roasted sandwiches worth one million dollars, and they have been given,” he said in the statement.

A million dollars of roasted sandwiches were hit at 11:00 am on Tuesday, according to the participation of Jimmy John's on X.

“The gift of our roasted sandwich was so fire that we had with her before we had the opportunity to announce it,” the brand sandwich brand wrote.

Fast food deals

Here are some of the current valuable meals provided by the famous fast food joints.

Taco Bell box desire to want a desire for Taco Bell:

  • Chalupa SuPreme
  • Burito fat
  • Taco Double
  • Nacho cheese chips
  • Medium

McDonald's meal of $ 5:

  • McDouble or Mcchicken Sandwich
  • Four pieces of chicken mcnuggets
  • Fried potatoes
  • Small gas drink

Wendy's 5 Bigze Bag:

  • Young bacones of burger or wavy chicken sandwich
  • Four pieces of chicken
  • Young potatoes
  • Small gas drink

Burger King 5 dollars your way:

  • Whopper Junior, Junior Chicken, or Cheeshes Burning Pig
  • Fried potatoes
  • Four pieces of chicken
  • Ghazi drink

“What can we say, you should get” while it's hot! “

A violent response to Jupiter

This was not an excuse enough for some customers, however.

Some were very frustrated, they said they would leave Jimmy John to competitors from now on.

“Get Mikes Mikes Now,” was particularly annoying client smoking.

Another replied: “I don't like Jersey Mix much, but my way out to eat there today.”

A third wrote: “He will not eat Jimmy John again.”

Many others have issued similar complaints, describing the “poorly implemented” gift and demanding that the promotion code did not succeed.

It is not clear whether Jimmy John's will offer disturbing customers another opportunity on a free toast.

Jimmy John also caused controversy with pickled sandwich in the past fall.

Competitors like Subway also restored a favorite reduced sandwich for fans for $ 6.99 with just one way to get it.


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