If your partner says this 6-word phrase to you, it means you’re about to get broken up with

If your partner says this 6-word phrase to you, it means you’re about to get broken up with


No one wants to hear these words from another important person.

A dating expert warned because it is a simple phrase that could be a blatant red sign that indicates a problem in heaven.

“When someone says, I do not want to harm you,” what they really say is that they think you have more feelings than they have for you, “Daily Mail said, describing it as” a warning, not reassurance. “

“This means that they are completely investors, and they know that you are more interested in than they do and put the basis for exempting their bad behavior in the future.”

The phrase “I don't want to harm you” is a red sign of six words, according to Ward. Prostock-studio-stock.adobe.com

She claimed that the anxious phrase, veiled as care and anxiety, has nothing to do with “sparing your feelings.” “It is about avoiding their guilt,” Ward said.

“If someone warns you, listen carefully and protect your heart,” I advised.

“The simple truth is that if someone does not see you as a possible partner in the long run and he has no strong feelings enough for you, he can see that he can harm you,” Ward said.

She added, “They do not have to feel guilty about it because they cautioned you.”

Ward said that the other person “should not feel guilty” about harming your feelings if they say this phrase. Instagram/Louanne Ward

Instead, when you hear “I don't want to harm you”, I recommended re -thinking about the relationship “because this person will end up hurting you if you stay in your place.”

If disintegration occurs, do not feel frustrated when it comes to dating. If you are ready to return to the game, Ward revealed that she was hacked, which is three seconds to become more attractive, because most people “kill their gravitational powers without realizing it.”

It calls this “temporary suspension and contract” method, which includes temporarily stopping before speaking rather than rushing to conversation. “Most people never use this because silence feels uncomfortable,” Ward said.

The rush can be considered a “attractive barrier” connection or conversation, according to Ward. She added that keeping the eye contact while stopping “makes people tend to.”

“The simple truth is that if someone does not see you as a possible partner in the long run and he does not have strong feelings enough for you, he can see that he can harm you,” Ward said. Eldarnurkovic – Stock.ADIBE.com

“Eye connection holding before looking away. A stand before answering a question,” he advised. “Let a moment to breathe instead of rushing to fill it.”

This method is successful because it shows confidence and builds communication.

“The moment you learn to own it, you can change the way people see you forever.” This is just one small piece, which makes the attractiveness of attraction. “


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