In a polished video clip that was released during the weekend, former ruler Andrew Como touched on a set of political issues where he officially seized his New York City mayor's race. He struck public safety, he regretted that “the city feels threatening” as residents live in fear of “random crime”.
To reform this, he declared: “The law application must focus on a few of the number of atmosphere who commit a large number of crimes.”
Como may take a page from the PlayBook book by NYPD Police Commissioner Jessica Tish, which has made the name and name of the violent metrics-and the wrong criminal justice system that maintains their liberation-a axis of its new period.
TISCH has gone beyond a general invitation to reduce its re -submission: it is documenting and publishing specific The names and criminal history of individuals who lost a decade of increasingly increasingly crime policies over and over again to harm the population of New York.
This is very important, because the crime occurs in specific.
In fact, the “progressive” in New York was enacted by policies (some under the leadership of Komo at the time) that allowed the dangerous men to leave prison and imprisonment by gathering all criminal criminals together in the form of one cartoon sympathetic to salvation. This approach insists that continuing criminals will stop committing crimes if we replace Yuki prison with the most soft treatment and programming in society.
But this is not true. Mostly, imprisonment or death – not social services – prevents the reformulation of violence from breaking the law.
These were the results of my last paper with criminal scholars, Lugan and John Paul Wright. During our tragically documenting, almost all criminal rehabilitation programs have failed or impossible to repeat them successfully.
But this critical fact has been hidden through a chaotic analytical approach to research during the past decade, which is what Groups The results of many studies in one scale.
While the metaphorical analysis can be effective in other fields of research, it has been applied with a catastrophic poor for criminal rehabilitation. Instead of defining “success” as giving up criminality, analytical reviews after another Assume This half of the perpetrators who do so no Participate in rehabilitation programs reactivating.
It was measured against this standard (and with other poor methodological issues), then the researchers announced that the treatment reduces the impressive 10 % – and sometimes amazing by 50 % to 60 %!
But in reality, the setback rates are a time function: about 35 % of people are arrested during the first year and 85 % re -arrest over the next nine years. Adjust the weaknesses in research, a decrease in the retardation through rehabilitation programs is almost not – with some in reality more Drafting.
This has been confirmed in New York and any place to reform laws Force Courts to send dangerous men to rehabilitative social services instead of imprisonment.
For example, make the bail repair in Big Apple in 2020 all misdemeanors and some crimes are not eligible to prepare the guarantee. This number of violent defendants who, who protects from prison, has been enlarged, while the first of them is suspended.
In fact, the defendants have a 71 % felony now, three or more terrifying cases of the sponsorship reform.
Apparently, “custom” rehabilitation programs – such as job training and treatment – do not reliably deter the crime.
This pattern occurs at the country level. California approved the proposal 47 a decade ago, forcing the prosecutors to send most of the drug stores and crimes to social services instead of imprisoning them. Since then, California has seen 12 % increase in convicted criminals four times or more.
My own analysis showed a two -number in the share of the drug perpetrators who become chronic It restores the drug, and the height of more than 6 % in the thieves who became chronic Return theft. Removing the prison option allows these criminals only to get out of control.
But just as Commissioner Chish's statements express the Nutaur population by re -predicting the two separates, California residents also reported frustration.
In November, the vote in the referendum of parts of the proposal fell 47, as the courts' capabilities are more imprisoned.
Why? Because the residents of California, who saw the same addict stole the local CVs over and over again, they had specific Examples of major generalities about the success of rehabilitation.
And so we He should Think of the crime.
Last month, Edwin Rivera was in the fourth conditional release when he shot the New York police investigator to respond to illegal firearms reports. “Why was it? This person Who is prison? “The delegated requirement is properly.
Rivera condemnation was the first violent at the age of 16, followed by the subsequent weapon and other condemnations. He was recently arrested in November for resistance to arrest and possession of stolen property-before his release to commit this bullet after three months.
In the same week, the violent perpetrator, Shane Harrison, who had previously made you a strange person in the subway, and wounded a mother with her child on the subway platform.
Ernest Dilma, who stole a policeman in her face last summer, made a woman at the Times Square.
Why was it? None of them In the streets of New York?
This is the question that every head of the municipality should ask.
Komo, who supervised the age of catastrophic “reforms” in New York, “Reforms” as a ruler, must do better than broad statements against the Naksa that has exacerbated these policies.
He should talk about how to keep many bad guys in New York behind bars.
Hana E Mayers is a colleague and director of the Police and Public Safety of the Manhattan Institute.