Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner ‘still share emotional intimacy’: body language expert

Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner ‘still share emotional intimacy’: body language expert


Experts told Fox News Digital that the body of Affleck and Jennifer Garner on a butt out of the coating ball shows a continuous level of “intimate and emotional relationship”.

Affleck and Garner smiled all the time. A source told Fox News Digital about a picnic “a group of good energy around them.” “You can just say they were essentially there for their child.”

The familiar added that the common paternity was “very great”, and they had “a very good time.” “Nothing is bad between them.”

Affleck and Garner's behavior indicates that they “still share the emotional intimate relationship,” said a body language expert to Fox News Digital.

In a recent video, Affleck Hugs raided while aiming at her pistol in paint in an invisible goal. After Garner does not repeat the hug, Affleck drops his arms and aims to his coating gun while the moment of rapprochement seems to pass.

“Many divorced couples and common materials stand with the distance between their bodies as a way to maintain the emotional distance,” said Nicole Moore, a body language expert. “However, it seems that the bodies of Ben Wajin are actively tending towards each other, indicating that they are still participating in the emotional intimate relationship.

Jennifer Garner's wife, Ben Affleck, embraced her ex -wife while she was aiming at the coating gun in an invisible goal. GJC / backgrid

“When Ben turns into the embrace of Jennifer, he reaches his arms around her with completely comfortable arms, indicating that he is very comfortable touching it in this way, and presses it a little as if he really wanted to be the closest thing as possible.

“Usually, when men and women who are not in a hug leaves a relationship, they often leave an area between them in the pelvic area as a means of indicating that a friendly hug and not romantic.”

“Many divorced couples and common materials stand with the distance between their bodies as a way to maintain the emotional distance. However, it appears that the bodies of Ben Wagan are actively inclined towards each other, indicating that they are still participating in the emotional intimate relationship.” – Nicole Moore, body language expert

A body language expert noted that Affleck facing Garner fully, despite their children in front of them.

“It is very comfortable touching it.”. Backgrid

“It seems as if Ben's body indicates that he really wants to put his full focus on Jennifer, and he cannot get enough of them,” More explained.

In the video, the sleeves are touched by Affleck and Garner. Body language expert Blanca Fox News told the digital that their behavior shows “clear signals of a common level of rapprochement.”

“Jennifer looks at Ben, giving him her attention before re -placing her and turning her look forward,” she continued. Meanwhile, Ben is still in place, and it seems that he is unwilling to lose the material relationship between them.

Then he closes the distance, heads towards Jennifer while moving his left arm across it, and his hand is resting over its left joint. Although he stands a little behind it, it is incredibly placed soon. Notice his position, the feet spread more wider than the shoulder width, and the confidence declined. “

However, Garner's body language was interpreted differently by body language experts. Dr. John Huber, a psychiatrist in clinical forensic medicine, noticed the behavior of “13 Going ON 30” star in the video that it seems as if she was not romantic in her ex -husband at the present time.

“While Jennifer aims with a coating rifle, Ben takes Jennifer and wrapped his arms around it, but he only gets a very rigid stance in response to Jennifer. At this stage, his feet directly directed towards Jennifer, but still focus on the distance away from Ben,” Hopper explained to Fox News Digital.

Dr. John Huber, a psychiatrist clinical medicine, pointed out that Garner's behavior in the video shows that she may not be romantic in Affleck at the present time. Gety pictures

The clinical forensic specialist added: “Ben then behaves to provide the face,” while he was studying his arms while he was tending away while taking his goal with a pistol of coating balls, where his feet are still sharing in their direction. ” This does not mean that it is not attracted to Ben. This does not only mean now and perhaps not at all. “

He married the star “Alias” and Affleck in 2005. They announced their separation in 2015.

The couple said in a joint statement at that time: “After a lot of thinking and careful consideration, we made a difficult decision on divorce.” “We are moving forward with love and friendship to each other and adhering to the common birth of our children whose privacy is to respect them during this difficult time. This will be our only comment on this family special issue. Thank you for your understanding.”

The couple married in 2005 and announced their separation in 2015. Christopher Polic

However, Garner and Affleck did not violate their divorce for another three years. During that time, Affleck went to rehabilitation twice, and the two underwent marriage consultation.

After his divorce from Garner, Afflk returned his relationship with Jennifer Lopez. The marriage of the couple lasted for about two years. Lopez and Nficke married in 2022 and ended their divorce in January 2025.

Garner has been romantically associated with John Miller, Chairman of Caligroup, since 2018, while the two took a break from dating at some point, People Magazine magazine has been strong since 2023.

Affleck's body language indicates that there is still a “very deep emotional” relationship with his first wife.

Moore said: “From their body language in this passage, it seems that there is still a very romantic or deep emotional relationship between them even if they do not act physically, with stronger feelings at the present time.”

She added: “Jennifer's body language here indicates that although she feels comfortable and comfortable with Ben, she may not feel much clouds to contact him closely as he feels it.” “The language of their body here continues until Ben wants to be close, and perhaps intimate with Jennifer, while staying near him while still keeps some emotional and physical distance at times. It seems certainly as if Ben is the person who begins to communicate more intimate while Jennifer adopts that at times or at least tolerates him and does not pay close contact away.”

Fox News Digital contact Affleck and Garner representatives to comment.


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