In 2020, I reviewed a movie showed on Amazon called Wide from the nightSmall drama in the southwest of the city, which felt the part Al -Shafa area, part Close third -type confrontations. The first director was Andrew Patterson, and I began my assessment expected to be based on this film, it was to become a very big thing.
Now five years after he delivered his second movie Amazia King's competitors, It was shown on Monday in SXSW, and it works with much larger actors such as Matthew McConaughey and Court Russell in a criminal drama/beekeeping/musical/musical, but still preserved rural and real. Structurally, My competitors Amazia King It seems that two or three ideas in the cinema were implemented in one (at some point he was planning as a limited TV series of seven parts), which depends on the audience to follow the epic that reveals wherever you want to take us. The main character disappears in the middle of the road through the image, another character is presented, and another person must carry us from one to the other. It is definitely an ambition, and through it all is pasted with some wonderful musical series that the bones produce with the band led by Amziah King (McConauGhy) and friends who make you wonder if last direction.
The director Patterson's writer may have faltered more than he can chew with all this, but there is no doubt that he invented an original world and unique and interesting characters enough to attract the likes of McConauughey (returning to films after a six -year rest in which he wrote a book and made audio comment and commercial work).
When he does not go down with his band, Amziah King is the Carisimi President of the first offer to produce honey in the city, as it supervises a group of colleagues (and musicians) in this unique work, but also having to formulate a criminal component in the honey industry in this part of the world (Alabama stands in oklahoma that Patterson is not intended). Crazy things happen. A friend of the dowry tail approaches the mechanism and consumes his hat and scalp, to give you an idea of one horrific sequence that does not come out of nothingness.
Ultimately, the incubator daughter of Chuktao appeared in Amaziah (Angelina LookGlass) from nothingness and revitalized her relationship with him, a shift in the events that give him the idea of introducing her to family actions with the idea of a leadership role. One of the unforgettable painful scene “not sure how they photographed this” Amziah explains its Simpatico methods with bees as hundreds of them hold his arm, the relationship of confidence if there is one, a beautiful chat in McConauughey. It is a major moment that will eventually come from the end before the end of the end.
Kateri really becomes the main strength of the movie where the tone turns greatly and focuses the character that Russell play. He is a very successful, semi -successful businessman, running a competitive process threatening McConaughey. It is almost like mafia bees. Revenge is the game of Katei, who takes care of all this and is looking for ways to respond. All this dominates the back half of the movie, which certainly raises the tension factor, if it lacks the nature of the strangely loved half of the film.
For Makkoni, who has not led a movie since Jay Richie Gentlemen In 2019, It is clear that this role has proven to be irresistible, especially with the angle of music, and jumps to it again with the style we expect from the star. In the appearance of a very unforgettable movie, indigenous Americans are required to take a lot of weight to make all this work and provide an honest and night image. For his part, Russell does not embody just another bad man on the big screen, but rather an interesting and respected citizen on the surface here with a beloved dog and a powerless wife who will learn Katie's plans.
The film is offered for sale and will undoubtedly find a buyer with MCCONAGHEY and Rusell in the actors' team in addition to these impressive musical breaks, but it will need accurate care from any distributor he gets. Certainly, it continues to show what the original Patterson sounds in making movies on its own conditions – so far.
Producers are David Heman, Teddy Schwarzmann, Jeffrey Keleford, Michael Heimler, James Montage and Will Greenfield. Wrangles.
address: My competitors Amazia King
festival: SXsw (Sinth)
exit: Andrew Patterson
Empty: Matthew McConaughey, Angelina Luiggeglas, Court Russell, Jake Horwitz, Rob Morgan, Tony Revoluri, Owen Tig, Bruce Davis, Cole Spros
Sales agent: Wme
Running time: 2 hours 10 minutes