Vitamin supplements could be doing more harm than good: doctor

Vitamin supplements could be doing more harm than good: doctor


a question: Hi, Dr. Zach, are I being purchased vitamin supplements, or is it really working? I felt constantly tired despite getting enough sleep, and I think I might be low on iron. I have searched for nutritional supplements, but there are many options. I am even targeted on social media with subscription services, based on answers to a test – I recommend things such as vitamin D, C, Iron, B12, magnesium, zinc, fish oil and Ashwagandha. Some of these personal tests look great, but I am not sure whether any of this will actually help or if you waste money. What should I do before adhering to taking 10 different pills a day? – Margaret, 42, Glinge, S

answer: Allow me to start by saying that the Internet is completely saturated with a medical advice (sometimes questionable) and vitamin supplements are no exception.

What you should take, when you take it, and the amount of what you need … it is like standing in the vitamin corridor in some way to maze, with a handful of “experts” screaming from every direction about magic therapy supplements.

But before you go in the wild shopping spray vitamin (and end up swallowing half the accessory corridor), let's talk through this logic.

Dr. Zach provides his advice on taking nutritional supplements. Shangarey –

Tired, tired and wondering about iron?

Fatigue is not limited to the amount of sleep you get, but the type of sleep you get.

There are different types of sleep, including light sleep, deep sleep and remote sleep, and if you do not ride bicycles properly, you may wake up to feeling tired just as you went to bed.

Besides sleep quality, shortcomings can play vitamin and minerals.

Dr. Zach says that the deficiencies of vitamin and minerals can play a role in feeling tired. Creative Cat Studio –

The perpetrators include:

Iron deficiency Which can lead to anemia, causing weakness and fatigue.

Vitamin B12 deficiency It is necessary to produce energy and form red blood cells.

Vitamin D deficiency – Which is linked to fatigue, weak muscles and low mood.

But guessing is not the best way – it will tell you to have a blood test exactly what is happening.

GP can be achieved from the main shortcomings, ensuring that if you need supplements, it targets your actual needs.

Iron deficiency is one of the most deficiencies in the world's nutrients, but eating nutritional supplements without knowing that your levels can be meaningless – or even harmful.

Taking nutritional supplements without knowing your levels may be ineffective or harmful. –

Appendix Competition – Blessing or Curse?

Vitamin subscription services are somewhat similar to a high copy of your mother, which receives you with multiple vitamins when you are sick.

They often come with the best intentions, promising personal recommendations based on your answers to some test questions.

And yes, the idea of ​​a person (or something) tells you exactly what you need based on your lifestyle and health goals, it seems somewhat attractive.

But here I always urge caution: just because the test recommends an appendix, it does not mean that you need it.

It is like requesting a dedicated online suit-it may look perfect in the pictures, but unless you are designed for you, there is an opportunity that will not fit it completely.

Likewise, these tests can sometimes excessive in simplifying complex health problems, and without the laboratory results to support them, you may end up wasting your money on something that does not move the needle.

“Just because the test recommends an appendix, it does not mean that you need it.” Olezzo –

Vitamin D: If you want to get your health shipping, not only reach the vitamin D supplement – a step out and let the sun do it.

The best way to absorb vitamin D is not through a capsule, it is through your skin, and the peak time for this magic to occur early in the morning.

Why? Since the wavelengths of the morning sunlight, especially when the sky is shown in red, orange and pink, they are biologically designed to wake your body in a way that no birth control pills can.

These longer light waves enter your eyes, stimulate the coniferous gland, the small structure, but the strong that controls 100 percent of melatonin and about 50 percent of dopamine.

This means a better mood, better sleep and the most organized biological clock rhythm – all without a supplement.

However, most people have back. They remain awake in the middle of the night (from paradoxes, midnight in the middle of the night) and depend on caffeine and artificial vitamins to work the next day.

But sleep, like a small child, needs structure, training and consistency.

key? Start in the treatment of bedtime with respect and adhere to the early awakening call.

Even if you lie in the bed staring at the ceiling for a while, the act of going to bed early helps to reset your body watch. And when this alarm rings, exit – your skin and eyes are exposed to the morning sun, is your body's natural signal to regulate hormones, increase vigilance and support vitamin D production.

Exit in the sun during the morning can help in vitamin D levels. Tetiana Soares –

A good day starts the last night, and the strong immune system begins with the sunrise – not an attached pass.

What really deserves it?

If you are determined to give nutritional supplements, you have already worked on your sleep, intestinal health and daily routine, let us look at some extremist records when it comes to fatigue:

• iron: If your iron levels are low (such as, really low), iron supplements can work on wonders for fatigue. But here is Kicker: Take only iron if your doctor emphasizes that you are missing. Taking iron unnecessary can cause constipation and other side effects that are not full of materials. It is not a solution “suitable for everyone.”

• B12: If you are a vegetarian or vegetarian, you may want to think about the B12 supplement. It is necessary for energy but it tends to find it in animal products (meat, dairy and eggs) so that some people often do not get enough of them.

Magnesium: If you constantly feel nervous and stress, magnesium can help relax your muscles and improve sleep. In addition, he is a whole founder that helps in producing energy. Some snacks rich in magnesium (nuts, grains and green leafy vegetables) can be more useful than the supplement, but if you still feel upset, it may be worth the shot.

Fish and zinc oil: Both are great for immune system and skin health. Zinc is especially important for your immune system and wound healing.

• Ashwagandha: Here is fun. Ashwagandha is Adaptogen, which means it helps your body overcome stress. It is not a necessity for everyone, but if the stress wears you and feels that you are burning, it may be worth exploring. Just do not expect miracles to work overnight.

Iron ðð ° ñð³ ° ñð¸ñð ° ðð °

Listen, everyone – a lot of good things can sometimes come with reverse results.

Ashwagandha is celebrated, like many nutritional supplements and other vitamins, for its ability to enhance testosterone and sexual instinct.

But if you exaggerate it, you may find yourself sitting on the margin. Research shows that excessive doses can get rid of balance, which leads to mood swings, as well as … Let's only say, a decrease in enthusiasm as it matters more.

So, take easy birth control pills, is much better to go to the raw fruits and vegetables-unless you are a fan of unexpected transformations in your emotional life.

The bottom line: Do not let fomo (fear of loss) reach you

So remember this – nutritional supplements are a tool, not a miracle repair. There is no magic pill that will turn your health overnight (I am still waiting for someone myself).

Before participating in the world of vitamins, talk to your doctor, accomplish your business and start with only the basics.

When you do it properly, nutritional supplements can be useful.

When you exaggerate it, you may end up with a set of grains and a lighter wallet.

Make it simple, do your search and trust in your body (and your doctor).

Good luck, here is the feeling of your best – one vitamin at one time.

Do you have a question? Send an e -mail to [email protected]

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Dr. Zach Turner is a medical practitioner specializing in preventive health and wellness. It has four health/medical degrees – Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Sydney, Bachelor of Nursing at Queensland Central University, and Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences at the Sunshine Coast University. It is registered at the Australian College of Rural Medicine, and completes a doctorate in biomedical engineering (UNSW). Dr. Zach is the medical director of his comprehensive well -well medical clinics throughout Australia, Conserge doctors.


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