Babak Anfari was appointed to direct a new complement KloffieldAnd, which is said to be a direct supplement to the original Matt Reeves movie for the year 2008.
In a new interview during the premiere of his movie in SXSW Halo RoadAnfari, a new complement.
“It is very sad that I cannot because everyone in this team is very confidential, which I understand,” said Anvari The countdown City is obsessed. “But whatever happens, I just know that we hope you get something amazing.”
Although Anvari did not reveal any details about the follow -up movie, it expressed the project as “high”.
The pluscinemaz.comstated in December 2022 that Anvari was attached to the direction of the new Clovefield movie with Joe Barton, written by the scenario, JJ Abrams, the Bad Robot, along with Hannah Minghella and Jon Cohen. Brian Burke, Matt Reeves and Dero Godard are also linked as executive producers.
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Kloffield It is a horror movie in full swing that follows six people fleeing a monster attack in New York City. The film starred Michael Stal David, Odette Yostmann, Mike Vogel, Jessica Lucas, T -Ji Miller, Lezi Kaplan, Ben Valddman, and more.
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Follow -up films inspired by the movie in the same universe, as 2016 10 Cloffield Lin And 2018 Cloverfield paradox.
The franchise also inspired a manga bank, entitled Kloffeld/KishinWhich shows the life of two students looking for shelter before the Chewi incident, which was seen in the viral marketing campaign for the film.