Brit ‘raped by taxi driver repeatedly’ in Paris scratched his face as she fought him off giving cops key clue in manhunt

Brit ‘raped by taxi driver repeatedly’ in Paris scratched his face as she fought him off giving cops key clue in manhunt


A young British tourist fought on her way free from the Paris taxi driver, who accuses him of raping her over and over again, and he has appeared today.

More details appeared about the terrifying alleged attack on the vacationer – which cannot be called for legal reasons – on Tuesday.


The alleged attack is said to have occurred in the Boyce de Boloni region in ParisCredit: Getti
Parisian taxi mark on a car with the Eiffel Tower in the background.


The British tourist accused the alleged striker of “rape again and again”Credit: Getti

According to what was stated, the neck of the unknown driver was scratched and then escaped after attacked it in Boyce de Boloni, the wood of the area of ​​2000 in the western suburbs of the city.

The woman, who lives near Edinburgh, was in the French capital on the weekend with four friends, and the party was scheduled to return to their homes on Monday morning.

But after a night outside at Mermaids & Dives, a cocktail bar was near Bastille Square, in the east of the city, on Saturday, returning to the accommodation in Airbnb alone.

According to her testimony to the investigators, “she participated in drunk and drinking until about 2 am,” said the investigation source.

“Feeling of Dakk, I decided to return to the rent alone between 2 am and 3 in the morning,” but she could not remember any details of the taxi that managed to compete.

She believes that her driver was “white skin, in his 1940s, and with a bomber chin,” the source said.

Instead of taking it to its places of residence, it was reported that it has ended on De la Mot Street, which is a road in the center of Boyce de Boloni, where workers in the field of sex gather in cars and trucks until the early hours.

There, the driver is said to have sexually assaulted her, then “raped her again and again” inside the car.

Then “she struggled and scratched her striker on the neck,” before running for 10 minutes to the Pavilon Royal bus, a wood restaurant.

While running, her knee fell, while she also lost her mobile phone.

Paris Knifmann shot a dead person who “runs silently on the police with a blade in every hand.”

One of the local population of Neuillly-Sur-SEINE, then saved it and called the police.

When the police officers arrived at the scene, they found that the young woman was afraid and crying.

Her black tight dress was torn, and she was wearing a black coat, shoes and engraved skirt.

The officers gave the numbers of her friends in France, her mother and her friend.

The victim was treated for injuries by emergency workers in Paris, then he was transferred to Raymond University Hospital nearby for more tests, and for interviews with the police.

Paris in Paris, with the support of the city's first judicial police investigators, opened a rape investigation on Sunday.

On Tuesday, police patrols were still searching for the driver, while checking CCTV and potential witnesses.

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